COVID-19 Ressources by LegalShield

Resource Center provides legal guidance on coronavirus’ most impacted areas of life including employment, healthcare, estate planning, travel, finances, events and childcare

LegalShield, the world’s leading provider of affordable legal and privacy protection plans, wants consumers to know their legal rights during the coronavirus pandemic. With their mission of equal justice for all, LegalShield has launched the LegalShield Coronavirus Resource Center to provide free guidance on the coronavirus’ most frequently searched topics including employment, healthcare, estate planning, travel, finances, events and childcare.

“The Coronavirus pandemic has raised a lot of legal questions, and we want to serve all citizens with this helpful website,” said Jeff Bell, CEO of LegalShield. “Getting sound legal advice and support at a time like this can go a long way in reducing stress and protecting rights. LegalShield lawyers have been working around the clock to provide our 4.4 million members the guidance and support they need and we are committed to remaining open throughout the pandemic to provide legal support.”

The LegalShield Coronavirus Resource Center is being updated in real-time and touches upon a vast array of critical legal questions that consumers are concerned about as the pandemic evolves. Below are some of the hot topics that are trending currently:

Employment Law and Your Income

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc on the economy. LegalShield lawyers are available to discuss any issues or concerns about employment including remote work policies and unemployment law. By speaking with a lawyer, members can get step-by-step instructions for protecting their rights. With Congress passing new employment-related legislation on a daily basis, issues are fluid. Frequently asked questions include:

  • My employer does not provide paid sick leave. Can they force me to come to work? Stay home without pay?
  • I’m supposed to travel for work. Can my employer fire me for refusing to travel?
  • Can I use my FMLA time even if I’m not infected?
  • If you have been laid off, what are your rights and options related to unemployment and your bills if your income has stopped?

Healthcare, Health Insurance & Estate Planning Issues

LegalShield lawyers are on call to answer questions, provide advice and even make phone calls or write letters for members to make sure they are getting the care they need. Also, member benefits include drawing up critical estate planning and legal documents like Wills, Living Wills, healthcare directives and powers of attorney to help manage care and protect finances. Frequently asked questions include:

  • Is your health insurance provider legally required to cover doctor-ordered tests, including the coronavirus test?
  • Should you give someone power of attorney if you become ill?
  • What legal documents are needed if you are admitted to the hospital?

Travel Related Issues

Whether members are preparing to travel or are currently away and looking to get back home, LegalShield lawyers can answer questions and take action for members to provide solutions and resolve disputes. Frequently asked questions include:

  • Do you have the right to be refunded for travel expenses such as hotel deposits or airline fees if you choose to cancel a trip?
  • Can you demand a refund if your travel plans were canceled due to a travel ban or other government action?
  • If you have traveled overseas, are airlines required to help you get home in the event of a travel ban?

Financial Concerns

LegalShield’s network of provider lawyers include many specializing in finance and real estate law. They are available to give actionable advice that members can use to stabilize current situations involving rentals, leases and mortgages. Frequently asked questions include:

  • Will the bank foreclose on my home if I miss a mortgage payment due to governmental action and lost wages?
  • What are my rights if there is a run on the banks?
  • Are there any specific legal steps I can take to protect my wealth?
  • Can my landlord evict me, or can the electric company disconnect me if I don’t pay my bill one month?

Events and Shelter in Place Mandates

While many events have already been cancelled, questions remain. Also, conflicting state, federal and local government rules regarding the movement of people in and out of certain areas are confusing. Event related issues that deal with basic contract law may be simple for a lawyer to address. Pandemic specific issues can be more complex and fluid. Frequently asked questions include:

  • How large of an event can I throw or attend?
  • I have a wedding coming up. Can I get deposits back? Can I ask vendors to reschedule without penalty?
  • Can the government force me to stay in my home?
  • What happens if I go outside during a shelter in place mandate?

Issues Related to Children and Childcare

School closings are causing a lot of chaos. Some students are stranded overseas. Other students have been forced to leave a college that they’ve already paid for. A lawyer can help you know your rights. Frequently asked questions include:

  • My child’s school or daycare is closed but I have to go to work. Can my employer punish me if I’m forced to stay home to care for my child?
  • My child is overseas and needs to get back to the US. What options do we have?
  • Can I get a refund for the semester I’m forced to miss but already paid for?

The LegalShield Coronavirus Resource Center is available at